Our Camp
Contact Us
Booking Info

As a result of inundation from the 2022-23 River Murray flooding event we are not able to take any further bookings at this stage.
Please contact us if you currently have a booking for 2023 to determine whether your will need to be cancelled or postponed.
Our Facebook profile Ankara-Youth Camp containes updates of the flooding and we will post the estimated timeframe for resuming booking once determined. Click here

Ankara is abundant with wildlife, especially birds. You'll meet the "regulars" and the visitors. Above all, you'll experience the pleasure of the river, the massive and rugged limestone cliffs, the river red gums, the fishing & marine life and all that the location offers in natural habitat.





Ankara Youth Camp is owned & operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in South Australia
© Seventh-day Adventist Church (South Australian Conference) Limited. All Rights Reserved.
website created by intervolve digital media 2003

Last updated January 2018